yep... one of the anime i love~~...ok... i dont watch alot of anime but i think this is a great anime.... better than prison break or lost..LoL.. IMO of course.... and that pic pretty much sums up the ending...
Sep 29, 2008
code geass ended~~~~
Sep 28, 2008
They say:
barrack obama says:
this is what i want to tell the american people...95% of you will get a tax cut.. and if you make less than 250 000 USD a year.. then you wont see one dime of tax increase
John Mccain says:
i want the families to make the decisions between themselves and their doctors not the federal goverment
Sep 27, 2008
happy birthday to who~~~?
ok.. dont ever.. put your burfday date wrong on facebook.. it is hilarious~~~~~~.... well.. wat are burfdays anyway.. just another opportunity to have fun and go crazy... who cares when it actually is..XD.....
Sep 26, 2008
hmm.. there doesnt seem to be a correct word in english for the word 家...yeah.. i just listened to jay chow's new song 稻香..
为什么人要这么的脆弱 堕落
珍惜一切 就算没有拥有
微微笑 小时候的梦我知道
童年的纸飞机 现在终于飞回我手里
偷摘水果被蜜蜂给叮到怕了 谁在偷笑呢
哦 哦 午后吉它在虫鸣中更清脆
哦 哦 阳光洒在路上就不怕心碎
珍惜一切 就算没有拥有
微微笑 小时候的梦我知道
回家吧 回到最初的美好
不要这么容易就想放弃 就像我说的
追不到的梦想 换个梦不就得了
笑一个吧 功成名就不是目的
童年的纸飞机 现在终于飞回我手里
偷摘水果被蜜蜂给叮到怕了 谁在偷笑呢
哦 哦 午后吉它在虫鸣中更清脆
哦 哦 阳光洒在路上就不怕心碎
珍惜一切 就算没有拥有
微微笑 小时候的梦我知道
回家吧 回到最初的美好
微微笑 小时候的梦我知道
回家吧 回到最初的美好
微微笑 小时候的梦我知道
回家吧 回到最初的美好
微微笑 小时候的梦我知道
回家吧 回到最初的美好
seems like we have another song to sing next chinese new year.....1000 miles away from home this song really makes me feel lonely over here.. well but to say i would rather be at home would totally mean a different thing to me.. home to me isnt any heaven for me with fireflies and paddy field... in fact its just a big banglo wif wild grass and 2 dogs... and my family...and more responsibilities i have to face.. so i would prefer to be not at home except that the fact that i cant be entertained by 2 dogs which are fed by my parents again of course pose as another responsibilty.... id really wonder what it is to really be at that so called "家"...people like me can only float and drift finding happiness in this vast sea of people.... 回家吧 回到最初的美好??... 流浪吧,家没那么美好....
Sep 25, 2008
201th post
and im speechless... well.. sometimes life is just..speechless.. or maybe i have too many things but guess you guys just wont understand...T.T... you see when you start thinking from a point.. from.. what is this blog for.. it goes to what life what different people view life as.. why different people view life as that and how they view life as and why do their views differ... and what makes your views different from them... can people accept ideas?.. or are we all subjective and unable to agree on everything... lets just come wif one example... i like black.. you like white...why you like white i like black?...i like black bcoz its cool.. you like white coz you just have a feeling for white.. is it good to just have a feeling for it to like it?.. or do you need to be rasional... or do i need to be scientific....well.... rasional reasons are like liking white bcoz white attracts people's attention... scientific reasons would be black absorbs heat.. see there are so many views to just two people liking two different things in life... those are views.. and do views matter?.. do you need to be rasional in life?.. well.. that comes back to the question of what life is... so what is life?.. should life be rational?.. sometimes yes sometimes no... well that is rasional and acceptable...some people say strong NO.. just because they think you should be free... why should you be free and follow your feelings?.. isnt that no discipline?.. isnt no discipline a bad thing?.. well im being rational is just one big circle wif you as a dot.. you go round and round... making lots of circles in your life.. and when you take a step back.. that small circle you just made.. is just a dot.... then you make circles around that dot.. looking at those circles from faraway.. it still just... a dot.... so after 201th post. all the circles ive been drawing... its still.. a dot..... .you know.. when i started writing this post.. i only thought of writing speechless for my 201 post.. but when you keep thinking and going forward you reach no where.. i can go on and on and on.. but i think ive got to sleep.. its about 430... and its AM..why am i not sleeping?..coz i just dont feel like it.. .which comes back to the same question why should i not sleep ... maybe coz i dont have discipline?.. should i follow my feelings or should i be rational.. then maybe you will say yes or no... then if you dont say both.. you are actually not being rational and following your feelings.. which is why different of opinions in life give birth to difference of people which give birth of political opinions which give birth to disputes which really means alot in the sense of democracy.. because... if democracy is the majorities opinion.... it may not be the right opinion... why should we practice democracy practicing democracy you are actually practicing the herd behaviour where you follow opinions of others just to be safe...instead you are not practicing what you believe in... so since everybody have different opinions there is no such thing as majority opinion.. so if the majority think you should be rational when making decisions should you follow?.. it is worst than theorocracy then because people just herd together and follow blindly instead of having your own thinking but being oppressed.. at least you know what you believe in and fight for what you fight for... by being in democracy.. having different thinking makes you feel insecure and people tend to group together their thinking without really understanding what they are actually thinking which makes you think that you are living in false freedom which is why i go back to the point that our life is just circles and dots because people fight for freedom by demolishing absolute power which leads you into another form of false freedom but slavery.. which is why it is quite impossible to break out of this circle dot formation which you can see that with the advantages of technology like cars and computers we are then bound back again by pollution and other resource problems which brings us no where but still back at the dot.. after reading this post that ive written from 4am till 448 am i am quite sure you are at no where but still back at the same dot....maybe.. if we make circles and dont look back... maybe... you will see bigger and bigger circles..... well .. just maybe...
Sep 23, 2008
Sep 21, 2008
This is a story of a malaysian gina
This is a story of a malaysian gina
His name is no other than cibaikia
Borned in 1986 he cant sing he cant play guitar
Only know speak mama and papa, sohai and lan pa
Everyday watch tv buy pirate cd
Mama cook nasi papa eat chapatti
Eat 鱼翅 no money
Go mamak Eat roti add curry
Teh ais tambah only 2.50
7 years old go study
13 years old more to study
Chinese bahasa Malaysia English science and geography
maths sejarah or history
16 years old teruk lagi…............
Sep 19, 2008
ITs Ho Lee dei~~~
yeap.... meet... ho lee dei... newest friend of mine.. he will be wif me for another 2 weeks where i will have to bid farewell wif him and go on wif my life..T.T... ho lee dei.. i will treasure you forever and ever....LMAO.. who doeesnt...
Breaking news
Resurrection of bloggyyy
this blog should be up and running again around 4am 20th sept when i get my quota back.
Internet Sex Act
News from Protoss planet...
Mother/father Teresa, a detainee of the Internet Sex Act have just been released after multiple protests by templars in front of the protoss temple. She/he has been accused of posting excessive porn materials on supply depots near the protoss temple which causes disturbances among marines in the region. The below image shows a peaceful protest in front of the protoss temple with firebats using photon cannons and seige tanks to control the situation.
Leader of the templars strongly disagree with the terran goverment by using the draconian act (nothing to do wif dragoons)against a innocent lady/gentleman accused for posting porn.

Terran goverment however responded:
"We do this for the sake of our marines!! They are not immune to porn. We need to be very careful with sexy issues" says prime minister Oh Am Gee
"She has hair. I dont" says minister of internal affairs Hamit

Mother/Father Teresa is now released and enjoying porn from the following websites:
She has denied all accusations and have decided to sue the terrans for defamation. Mother/Father Teresa has called upon all races for unity as she is a terran zerg mix. "Porn is for Terrans, Protoss and Zergs" says her
Sep 14, 2008
Sep 13, 2008
everybody have a hobby...dont you?...well
mine is anything that can prevent me from having the so called famous feeling of "sienness".
So if someone would ask me what hobby do i have.. i would say... erm.. .anything?.. i like sports?... even though i suck at them.. i like music?.. i like art?... design?... i like eating?... cooking?...reading?...dancing?..sleeping?...dotaing?...well almost everything...yep.. and i even like running to rooftops thanks to guoliang although i have a vr bad feeling of security at high places (and i wont call that phobia).
well... so ill talk about one of my hobbies...that doesnt require the internet coz the QUOTA IS FKING ANNOYING... drawing is one of my hobbies.. i dont know why or how i started drawing... but the only thing i know is I always envy people who can draw while i totally suck at drawing... until one day.. i decided i was SIEN... so i took what i thought was absolute eye candy at that time...coz i was constantly playing wif photoshop images of final fantasy 8.... laguna .... and i see if i could imitate that pic:
and of course.. i had to trace the whole pic and do some noobish shading.. but well.. that was how i started my art life... then i tried to draw other ff8 characters.. and failed quite miserably... thats when i met up wif my si fu the infamous keng zhi yi... he is erm.. more into anime drawing but gave me alot of 'useful' tips...Lol.. on how to try different angles coz art is plain too boring if its too normal..then i get to practice different angles by measuring and immitating pics.. thats when i thought maths is really usefull.. hmm... if the size of the person's face is 5 cm... spaces btw the eyes are 1 cm.. so the ratio is like 5:1... and i have to measure every single picture i draw and put in the correct ratios of eye sizes and face length... haha.. and i have to search day and night for deviant arts which are totally amazing so i can measure different ratios of different angles and different poses...but the experience definitely paid off and i can draw humans that look like humans LoL .. i admit that i lack lots of talent in the art sector and i have nvr drew anything decent since i was born till the day i started drawing....@@......yea.. some people can just draw of a blank sheet and come out wif ideas and perfect angles... while people like me struggle to put up a good human pose....but well.. they always say hardwork pays off...LoL...and good luck to my hobby....hahaha... i wish i could draw like those deviant artist and i esp like these...^^.. (click pictures for more details)
Sep 11, 2008
half cooked egg
一只蛋 煎两分钟可以取替晚餐
缴费通 于半分钟帮你清理帐单
影印机 操作简单帮你复制无限
提放小偷 不操心 只要一个电眼
赶上班 偏觉车速不快极为缓慢
赶午餐 偏吃不饱总无剩余时间
一晚间 跟百几住好友影过贴相
从来不知 边几位 可以共同患难
不吃蛋 今晚抽空煮个丰富晚餐
不上班 跟你裸足走遍整个沙滩
不太好 因我早经应允今晚加班
恕我空讲 说白话 知你早已习惯
而如今我发现 躯壳脆弱
所有煮到半熟 只有半熟
身心不满足 但也说是但
就会快乐无恙 继续说谎
就似咬着软糖 把我的心释放
best way to describe life i guess
蓝奕邦 半熟蛋
Sep 5, 2008
Sep 4, 2008
do you know?
why i have to go to central market every saturday?
i had to collect my weekly celery..@@
dont get it?.. learn how to spell
Sep 1, 2008
too much to say.. too little time.. too little feelings..... I HATE QUOTA SYSTEM~~~~
i have soo much to blog about.. but due to some certain QUOTAPHOBIA i really dont have any mood to blog any more..@@.. god bless me and this blog