Today is 2 hours past yesterday which is why i didnt post yesterday which is why i am not going to post again doesnt make any sense huh.. anywayz...
today i had a FRIGGIN information system lecture till 7pm... .. and it absolutely SUCKS... so i went to mr christiano aka kien seng's high class apartment for some i went there to collect my hdd(dont ask me why it was there)...and to trade games... Hitman for a Rainbow six... and watch tv and play dota and use toilet....and learn how to trade items in a LAN and how to use pendrives and how to be pawned by GAY AI+6.51...OMG.......
until 12:40am...
and i had to walk past 20 minutes of empty streets wif only one human being and 2 gays chatting at a hotel balcony... and within that 20 minutes.. i saw 1 police car passing by... hmm... good or bad security?... you be the judge
and MU BARCA is at 4...T.T....i cant watch OMGGGGG........
and just to show that i didnt post yesterday not bcuz i am lazy.. ill post pics from my K1.... shaky fingers or noob camera or both?.... arghh.. i guess my photos are not improving.. i need to practice more..T.T
Apr 30, 2008
Hitman vs Rainbow six
Apr 28, 2008
Advertiser #2
Apr 27, 2008
After living in boring old adelaide for so long... i had to read some papers...
The local paper of course : The Advertiser

probably where the olympic torch is going..
OK..too much EPL...

Apr 26, 2008
hmm... ive discovered some extremely interesting youtube videos... try looking at kevjumba's videos...
Apr 25, 2008
80th post
Congratz to myself and myself for writing and reading my blog till the 80th post..^_^.....
need a job soon.. i need money..@@.............. where can i find a job??....
Apr 24, 2008
Apr 23, 2008
living life
i miss you..
i miss all the skies i used to glance upon...
i miss all the dreams i used to think about...
i miss all the time i had..
i miss all the things i did..
i miss all the times i miss everything so sad...
i miss my smile...
i miss my feelings...
i am not living.. i lived once... not anymore...
Apr 22, 2008
lets list out wat we can do with our lives...
1)waste our life(includes clubbing, hangkai, shopping, tok kok)
4)eat(drinking water and shitting nt included becuz of short amount of time..)
5)recreational activities(include sports, websurfing, drawing, reading, gaming)
. . . is that all?!?!
life's like that....
daDARKANGEL's first conclusion. . . . . .
Apr 21, 2008
sien sien
Today happens to be a very sien day.. got into DOTA MODE since i had holy shits and divine rapier this only did some online test.. add stickers in my passport and dotaaaaaa................. MONSTERKILL~~~~
Apr 20, 2008
Apr 18, 2008
Strange day
Woke up at 9am.. find the tarc guy again.. reload phone.. then go meet some 50yr old australian...@@.....dunno why... he bring us to wildlife park...go to top of hill.. .go to hahndorf.. look look look.. then go back..@@....dunno whats wrong wif mayb
Apr 17, 2008
Apr 16, 2008
Apr 15, 2008
arghh... i nvr knew how important my nokia 3310 was until now.. i need a handphone fast.. but this fking place just dont sell any good handphones at any fking reasonable price.. I WANT MY 3310!!!!!
Apr 14, 2008
Apr 13, 2008
Apr 12, 2008
far far away...
Today.. i woke up at 12pm... cooked lunch... went to central market...then i went to rundle mall to meet somebody i nvr see before..XD..ahh.. at least i get to meet the first TARCian in adelaide lor.... then we talk kok walk walk until some wakefield street to play basketball and meet wif another person i nvr see before.. from ggc...XD... the guy wif yellow shorts...LMAO...but coz we erm..not we is I too noob.. i dont dare go play.. the other guy dunno y nvr play.. mayb coz no team gua..haha.. we see one black guy.. damn tall can slam dunk... the whole team block him oso he can slam.. jump oso higher than people...his team... like undefeatable coz of him... then we sien abit.. then go home.. walk walk walk go another basketball court.. all those black people play.. so damn tall.. can keep slamming..@@..... then we walk walk walk so i follow him go back by 861 bus... i buy ticket.. but forgot to punch.. so i thought lidat better lor.. go back dunnit to buy ticket... then i take the bus go 8 stations.. reach one place.. that looks like any adelaide hhousing area... i oso duno where.. then walk walk walk let dog chase abit.. then go subway eat food.. i nvr go subway before.. like san ba lao go inside fast food restaurant...
"can i help you?"
" err.. can i have a turkey and ham sandwhich?"
" wat bread"
"WTF?? bread oso can choose?"
"yea...the choice is over there"
"oh white bread la"
"baked or fresh cheese"
"err.... fresh?"
"wat salad?"
"err.... err... which one is the salad....oh.. lettuce and tomatoes lor"
"any sauce?"
"errrr...... wtf.. all oso dunno wat sauce ..@@... dont want sauce larr..haiz.."
"salt or pepper?"
"si dan laa"
"si dan?"
"do you want the meal?"
"meal?!?... ok .. meal"
"yes.. it comes with cookies and softdrinks.. wat cookie would you like?"
"that one lar"
"oo.. chocolate chip"
"o.. ok.. how much ar?"
"erm.. the drink?!??"
"ahh... its self service over there"
"oo.. sorry ar.. first time masuk subway..."
"ah.. nvm...thanx"
then i wait for bus to go back again... thought the old ticket can punch again.. how i noe the cibai machine spit it out..then the bus driver look at me.. wtf?.. you using old ticket? have to buy a new one...its 2AUD for students....T.T pokai....and please remember to punch your card later too...haiz.. then go back home the fucking cibai msn refuse to go on... F-U-C-K....have to system restore to put it can already...... ^^v.. so happy i can pole dance
Apr 11, 2008
is golden
When i was a young boy..
my father took me into the
city to see a marching band he
said son when you grow up would you
be the saviour of the broken the beaten
and the damned will you defeat them the demons and
all the non believers the plans that they have made~~
We will carry on...... or wil we?
Apr 10, 2008
North adelaide
Apr 8, 2008
Yesterday got HOMEWORK...
today got EXAM...
tommorow got ASSIGNMENT...
day after tommorow got Rolland Emerich...
Apr 7, 2008
Apr 6, 2008
Apr 5, 2008
Sad weekend
argh... completely gg'ed my excel exam.. people are crying all around me.....tears are in the air.. maybe because of love or many other matters.. hmm......yes i am crying for my exams on monday.. please dont disturb me....sniff sniff.... bb......................................