Form 1 question:
Ali's great great grandfather haveRM 10..... he put in bank...
bank interest = 7%
Approximate numbers of years for RM 10 to double = 72/7 = 10.286
What is the amount of money in the bank after 100 years? ...
few hundreds?
few thousands?
yea.... its about RM 8677.16
What is the amount of money in the bank after 200 years? ...
ten thousand?
twenty thousand?
hundred thousand?
few million?....yea...7.5 million
do you get wat i am saying?...^^
Nov 17, 2007
Lesson 2...
lolz... enough of light for some serious stuff
Money is used in our everyday life... and the value of money reduces with time
let me elaborate...
RM 3 now can buy nasi goreng biasa... RM 3 at the year 2010 can buy roti canai only......
RM 1 at the year 1988 can buy harmee.... RM 1 now can only buy roti canai..
in other sense...the interest of the money you put in to a fixed deposit... is just to compensate for the lost of money value....
which also means... you put RM 1k in the bank...interest rate is 5%..
money after 5 years = 1000 x (1.05)^5
things you can buy wif Rm(1000 x (1.05)^5) after 5 years is also equal to:
the things you can buy with RM1000 today
end of today's topic...
lesson by my uncle...^^
Nov 12, 2007
10th nov..
haha...anywayz.. i went by lrt at 2:45 after work to observe...mind you..not to protest....and i was late...@@....when i entered the lrt train... announcements were made....stesen bukit jalil dan pasar seni ditutup untuk sementera... harap maaf.....zzz...

i had to walk from dang wangi to masjid jamek...when i reached dataran merdeka ... it was already 4:30 and most of the interesting things were over...haha.. but i did manage to catch some pictures as well...

Nov 4, 2007
1st week....^^
YAY!!...i am finally not.... eat full ntg 2 do....mayb i should change it to.. eat full alot of things to do.. i have started my first week of work....^^.... as a...erm... noob assistant... haha... means.. do crap jobs... and get paid?... my work..involves?...erm... from putting papers in writing checks.. to mailing invoices and staring at cashbooks and erm.. moving things here and there...lolz... it is.. a change for lazy people like me everyday staring at the sky...hahahaha... now ive got sumthing to do for a week and im adi feeling tired...weird huh...LOLZ.... ive gotta work everyday from 7am to 6pm... six days a week....zzzzzzz... worst thing is..i cant curi tulang...coz im working for my uncle.... hahahha.... so this is my first week work report.. if next week nvr post... means i die adi.... muz go my funeral i realise...some vr interesting things in our world... the first day... my auntie show me... this is the cash book.. we label it as CB... so we can check... CB11..CB 12... LMAO... then she show me the invoice... this is from our customer... he is from the AP block... AR block ar?...